Stress is different for everyone, things that can make you stressed can be considered normal by friends or relatives. Stress also does not always mean bad, because sometimes, stress actually becomes a reminder and trigger to refocus in solving problems. Come on, find out which stress medication is right for you here.
Not all stress is bad. Before knowing the appropriate stress medication, it helps you first identify the type of stress that is being experienced. The stress that you feel when assigned to handle a project from the office can be classified as good stress and is usually temporary. Nausea, nausea or sweaty hands that occur is a way for the body to help you through this difficult situation. These triggering factors include external stressors that are commonly encountered daily.
Meanwhile, stress that is classified as bad is long-term stress that can lead to depression or other mental and physical health disorders, such as sleep disorders, digestive disorders, and weight gain. Long-term stressors are also called internal stress factors, including bullying, problems in interpersonal relationships or marriages, learning difficulties or problems at work, until the death of the closest person.
Stress Medication You Can Choose
Whether we realize it or not, someone who is experiencing stress also tends to easily take actions that can endanger his health and self, such as drug abuse and alcohol abuse. This is why stress management needs to be done to reduce the risk of various types of health problems, to suicidal tendencies. After identifying the causes and types of stress above, it is time to know various stress medications to fight the symptoms that arise.
Laughter is believed to be the best stress medicine that has short and long term health benefits. By laughing, you stimulate many organs, relieve stress responses, stimulate circulation and muscle relaxation, boost the immune system and improve mood. Laughter can accelerate the healing process. When laughing, our body produces endorphins as a response to stress experienced. Laughing when you see or hear healthy jokes and funny jokes, like watching cartoons while accompanying your baby or watching comedy shows, is one effective way to live life more positively. Try to smile first then start laughing, and feel your feelings change.
Lifestyle changes
Regular exercise can help reduce the amount of stress hormones produced by the body and other compounds. Adjust your diet and types of food consumed, improve sleep quality and take advantage of free time with more relaxed activities, such as a short walk or resting at home. Being more active in dealing with problems and managing stress, looking for new experiences and positive thinking, and being more open and connected with people around you, is another way to do it.
If you decide to do psychotherapy, there are various types of psychotherapy that are commonly used for stress sufferers, including counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, ecotherapy, and various complementary and other alternative therapies. This therapy basically aims to train you to better recognize your thoughts and feelings, and is usually combined with medication if needed. By undergoing this psychotherapy, you will be trained and guided by a psychologist or psychiatrist to form the right mindset and attitude in responding or adapting (coping) to the situation, so that stress management can be better. Alternative therapies such as relaxation therapy, acupuncture therapy, massage, and meditation are also popular ways of dealing with stress.
Some drugs that are commonly used in a series of stress treatments must be given under the supervision of medical personnel, including diazepam, clonazepam, fluoxetine, and citalopram. These medicines are drugs that are used to treat symptoms of depression, anxiety disorders, insomnia, and seizures. In conditions of severe stress that have caused complications of mental behavioral disorders and physical disorders, the psychiatrist will provide these medications accompanied by appropriate psychotherapy and under supervision. The use of these drugs without evaluation and doctor's advice is dangerous for health.
Keep in mind, severe stress or stress in life that has caused hallucinatory symptoms, mindset disorders (eg paranoid), insomnia, suicidal ideas or attempts, eating disorders, and causing social impact for someone is a type of severe stress that needs to be addressed by a psychiatrist .
In addition to the various types of stress medications mentioned above, continually learning to recognize yourself will help test your endurance as a person. Remember to continue to concentrate on what you can control, not the other way around. If stress begins to eat away at your life, the burden of work and daily activities feels more and more makes you tired, maybe it's time to take a vacation and find a moment of calm.
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