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Narrow Pelvis and Its Effect on Childbirth

Most women have a wider pelvic shape than men. It aims to facilitate the process of pregnancy and childbirth. However, there are some women who have narrow pelvis. This form of pelvis has the potential to complicate normal labor. The shape of a woman's pelvis is mostly wider and broader and more flexible. The pelvis has many functions, one of which is as a way out of the baby during labor. Therefore, the size and condition of the pelvis also influence the birth process.

Narrow Pelvic Owners Characteristics

The condition of a woman's narrow pelvis can be caused by several factors, including:
  • Pelvic deformities due to birth defects.
  • Genetic factors (having a mother with a narrow pelvic shape).
  • Women with a height less than 145 cm.
  • Pelvic injuries due to clinical conditions, such as hip fractures, hip fractures, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic inflammation, or pelvic tumors.
  • Androgen hormone levels in the body are excessive and cause small pelvis.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Bone disorders, such as rickets and osteomalacia which cause abnormal pelvic bones.
Narrow pelvic conditions caused by congenital factors are generally difficult to prevent. Meanwhile, narrow pelvis due to other factors can be avoided, one of which is to prevent injury to the pelvis. This can be done by:
  • Take care when driving.
  • Wearing personal protective equipment while working or carrying out activities that are at risk of causing hip injury.
  • Perform periodic examinations of the pelvis and reproductive organs.
  • Do Kegel exercises regularly.

Narrow Pelvic Risks in Childbirth

The pelvis is the birth canal for the fetus to get out of the vagina during the birth process. A mother who has a narrow pelvis is likely to have difficulty undergoing a normal delivery because of the risk of cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD). CPD is a mismatch between the size of the baby's head and the size of the mother's pelvis which will become the birth canal. This condition occurs when the size of the mother's pelvis is narrow, so it does not fit to be passed by the fetus at birth. If this happens, the risk of prolonged labor or loss will be even higher. This condition can cause pressure on the baby's head and the baby's skull bones squeezed, thus triggering the occurrence of brain hemorrhage that can endanger the baby's condition. Prolonged labor is also at risk of causing fetal distress. Besides being dangerous to the fetus, women with narrow pelvis are also more at risk of experiencing a number of complications during normal labor, such as heavy bleeding and uterine injury. Because of the high risk of endangering the condition of the fetus and mother, most pregnant women who have narrow pelvis are advised to give birth by cesarean section. Through this method of childbirth, the baby will be removed directly from the uterus and not through the pelvis or birth canal.

Can Mothers with Narrow Hip Normal Childbirth?

Mothers with narrow pelvis still have a chance to give birth normally. However, this depends on the condition of the mother and the weight or size of the fetus in the womb. To increase the chances of a normal childbirth, mothers who have narrow pelvis as much as possible should maintain weight so as not to be obese. When pregnant, reduce sweet snacks because it can increase the risk of giving birth to a big baby. To determine whether the mother has a narrow pelvis or not, a pelvic examination is required by the obstetrician. This examination includes physical examination and support, such as pelvic ultrasound. Pelvic ultrasound aims to see the condition of organs and internal structures in a woman's pelvis, such as muscles, blood vessels, and connective tissue that support the pelvis. The shape of the mother's pelvis is one of the important parameters for the doctor or midwife in determining safe delivery methods for the mother and fetus. Therefore, routine pregnancy checks to the obstetrician are important things to do. If the narrow pelvis is known early on, the doctor may advise the mother to give birth by cesarean section so that the birth process can run more smoothly.


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