Most women have a wider pelvic shape than men. It aims to facilitate the process of pregnancy and childbirth. However, there are some women who have narrow pelvis. This form of pelvis has the potential to complicate normal labor. The shape of a woman's pelvis is mostly wider and broader and more flexible. The pelvis has many functions, one of which is as a way out of the baby during labor. Therefore, the size and condition of the pelvis also influence the birth process. Narrow Pelvic Owners Characteristics The condition of a woman's narrow pelvis can be caused by several factors, including: Pelvic deformities due to birth defects. Genetic factors (having a mother with a narrow pelvic shape). Women with a height less than 145 cm. Pelvic injuries due to clinical conditions, such as hip fractures, hip fractures, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic inflammation, or pelvic tumors. Androgen hormone levels in the body are excessive and cause small pelvis. Malnutrition. Bone dis...